Friday, July 17, 2009

Pictures of the moon landing site

NASA has released their first pictures of the Apollo Landing Sites from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

That's the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, left behind when the first people to land on the moon came back to Earth.

Can't see much? Don't worry, NASA announced, "Future LROC images from these sites will have two to three times greater resolution."

Also more images at that last link from NASA.

This is 40 years and a day after man first set foot on the moon.

Guy still proud of beating up first base coach with his dad

From Deadspin:
Few moments in sports history were as truly stunning as the sight fans saw on September 19, 2002, when two shirtless buffoons charged onto the field during a Chicago-Kansas City game and began pummeling the Royals' 54-year-old first base coach Tom Gamboa. It turned out to be a father and son team—William Ligue Jr. and his loyal 15-year-old boy—who were hauled off, surly and unrepentant, into baseball history. And also jail.
The younger Ligue apparently brags about beating up the unsuspecting first base coach whose only crime was to be a first-base coach for the Kansas City Royals and in the path of a drunk dad and his "loyal" son.

Phelps shows Rick Reilly what it takes to be an Olympic swimmer

Well, at least putting the swimsuit on in front of a group of people.

Reilly is still one of my least favorite writers out there, for the record.