Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The man who covers Texas executions

An interesting, if somewhat macabre, story about Michael Graczyk, the Associated Press reporter based in Houston, TX who has covered "nearly every execution the state has carried out."

From the New York Times:
No reporter, warden, chaplain or guard has seen nearly as many executions as Mr. Graczyk, 59, Texas prison officials say. In fact, he has probably witnessed more than any other American. It could be emotionally and politically freighted work, but he takes it with a low-key, matter-of-fact lack of sentiment, refusing to hint at his own view of capital punishment.

Held by the Taliban: 7 Months, 10 Days in Captivity

New York Times reporter David Rohde was held by the Taliban for seven months and ten days before escaping. In a five part series, he recounted his tale.
Moments later, I felt a hand push me back toward the car, and I was forced to lie down on the back seat. Two gunmen got in and slammed the doors shut. The car lurched forward. Tahir and Asad were gone and, I thought, probably dead.
Take an hour or so and go read the first four parts (the fifth isn't up yet).