Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ten best prison breaks

Via NewMexiKen. Who does this whole blogging-about-interesting-things thing better than I ever could.

Wired magazine had the list of the ten best prison breaks. Which, of course, makes me think of Cool Hand Luke and The Great Escape. Never a bad thing.

My favorite? This one:
Lake County Jail(1934)

John Dillinger, brandishing a wooden gun blackened with shoe polish, bailed in the sheriff's Ford.

That's a whole lot of bandwidth

I listen to the Bill Simmons podcast every day. Well, every day that he has one. And apparently a lot of other people do as well.

From his Twitter account:
FYI: My 6/23 BS Report w/ Chad Ford broke 2 records: 221K downloads in 1 day; 333K total (and still going). Many thanks everybody!
So over 333,000 people have downloaded the 11.6 MB, 56 minute podcast. Wow.

If you want to listen to the NBA Draft preview, you can find them at his section on the ESPN website.

Most ridiculous idea to save newspapers

Richard Posner is an idiot. At least that's the impression I get from this part of his blog post on how to save newspapers:
Expanding copyright law to bar online access to copyrighted materials without the copyright holder's consent, or to bar linking to or paraphrasing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder's consent, might be necessary to keep free riding on content financed by online newspapers from so impairing the incentive to create costly news-gathering operations that news services like Reuters and the Associated Press would become the only professional, nongovernmental sources of news and opinion.
In other words, Posner wants people to have to pay to talk about their news stories.

I agree that people who steal wholesale any news story or blog post should face the consequences. But completely dismantling fair use provisions to save newspapers not only wouldn't work (it's ludicrous to think that people linking to news stories is causing any sort of financial hardship for newspapers) -- it's just a dumb idea.

Via Jay Rosen on Twitter.

Congressman to DC driver: "Fuck you!"

From CQ Politics, an exchange between a Washington D.C. driver and Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE):
But Terry was crossing a Washington street during a workweek when a local driver called him out for jaywalking.

"Can't you read the sign?" the driver shouted.

"[Expletive] you!" Terry retorted.

"Really?" the driver asked.

"Really," Terry confirmed.

Video: Road to the Confed Cup finals for the US

A nice video that shows how the United States made it to the finals in the Confederations Cup. The US will face soccer powerhouse Brazil tomorrow.

Weezer/Notorious B.I.G./Beverly Hills Cop remix

A pretty good mashup. Sometimes the Beverly Hills Cop stuff seems to clash (during the chorus it seems that there is just too much going on).

But listen up anyway.

I'm a sucker for mash-ups, truth be told.

It's 5:30 on a Saturday. Do you know where your governor is?

The Associated Press attempted to find out where the governors in 40 US states were as of yesterday. This is, of course, in response to the Mark Sanford saga that eventually found him having flown to Argentina for a week to be with his mistress.

Where the governors were wasn't all that exciting. But what was more interesting is how many of their offices refuse to release their public schedules -- you'd think that is something that they would put on their websites in most cases.

Instead, they try to hide the most basic thing about their jobs -- where and with whom they are meeting on state's business.

No wonder Sanford thought that he could get away with something like flying to Argentina to be with his mistress.

Ambushing O'Reilly's ambushers

One of Bill O'Reilly's favorite techniques is the 'ambush' where an O'Reilly staffer runs up to someone with a camera crew and asks them misleading and accusatory questions.

On the Media tagged along with Gawker while they tried to ambush Jesse Watters -- O'Reilly's ambusher. After a discussion of the O'Reilly team's tactics.

Former mayor arrested for public nudity

Luckily every time that I've been camping, I've never seen anyone lounging around naked. So it's a good thing that I wasn't camping in Rabun County.
Authorities arrested Mark Musselwhite and charged him with public indecency last weekend after state Department of Natural Resources officers found him sitting nude at his Rabun County campsite.

Officers had received a complaint about a naked man walking along a nearby road earlier in the day, but the 43-year-old Musselwhite said he was not the same man. Musselwhite told the DNR officer he had been swimming in a nearby creek.
Musselwhite was the mayor of Gainesville. He had a failed state senate run as well, and that will probably be his last elected run.

Cubs manager "I smoked weed too"

Yesterday, the news came out that Cubs catcher Geovany Soto tested positive for marijuana at the World Baseball Classic earlier this year.

This caused him to be banned from international competition for two years. However, the Cubs player can continue to play in Major League Baseball, where he makes his money.

And, to help things out, he has the support of his manager, Lou Piniella. In large part because Piniella announced today that he experimented with weed as well:
"Look, I have smoked dope one time in my life," Piniella said before the Cubs faced the Chicago White Sox at U.S. Cellular Field. "And it didn't do a damn thing for me, and I never tried it again. I'm fortunate because of that. A lot of people do. You can even buy it in California from a pharmacy.
The Cubs played their cross-town rivals the Chicago Whtei Sox on Friday. And the White Sox manager also had Soto's back:
"It takes a man to admit mistakes. He's not the only one doing that. But he's the only one admitted to come out and say that. I wish more players come out and make this an example. He just made a mistake. He did something he wasn't supposed to do. Meanwhile, I tip my hat to him because when you make a mistake and admit it, you move on."
Soto said it was an isolated incident. But does anyone really believe that?

Booker T and the Drive By Truckers playing "Green Onions"

Green Onions is definitely one of the coolest song ever made. And Booker T, the writer of the song, recently played the song live with the Drive By Truckers.

Check it out: