Thursday, May 14, 2009

Interesting things for a Thursday night

  • Visual Illusions

    Thanks to Bad Astronomy, I found these illusions that will psych you out. Don't believe me? Check out The Break of the Curveball. I could stare at this for hours. Or at least a few minutes before moving on to the next thing...

  • Why Oprah loves Jenny McCarthy

    Again via Bad Astronomy, Skeptimedia looks at why Oprah decided that Jenny McCarthy needed her own show to spew her misinformation about vaccines. It also explains why Dr. Phil has a TV show, a mystery that has baffled the world for years.

  • Gladwell-Simmons II: Ultimate rematch

    It's best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell (Blink, Outliers, etc.) vs. ESPN's internet king Bill Simmons (the Sports Guy, Boston homer, etc.). Because where else are you going to get discussions about Larry Holmes, the all-time best basketball team made solely out of white guys and why Gladwell ignored Jennifer Anniston's advances? PLUS, it comes in three parts.

  • Woot-off!

    A woot-off is going on right now! What, you don't know what that is!? Well after reading this you will.

  • #GoogleFail…Had Something to Do With Airplanes

    Did you get caught up in the epic failing of Google this morning? Well, now we know why. And it had something to do with planes. Or a metaphor with planes. Or something.

  • Manny Ramirez: 'Am I In Trouble?'

    Finally, a link from American's Finest News Source, The Onion. I don't think I need to explain anything here.


So what is this site?

Basically, it's just interesting things I found while surfing the internet. Or, you know, stuff that I read.

I'm a huge fan of sports, of politics and a little bit of geeky web stuff thrown in.

If you have anything that looks interesting and you'd like to pass along, send it onto StuffIReadToday [at] gmail [dot] com -- it doesn't necessarily have to be something you read. It could be a video, a song, a picture... just as long as it is interesting.