Thursday, September 17, 2009

Man throws thousands of golf balls in Joshua Tree National Park

From the LA Times:
"Sometime around 2007, our rangers began discovering large quantities of golf balls in some turnout areas of the park," said park spokesman Joe Zarki. "We were wondering what was going on here. There were also some tennis balls involved."

Rangers also found cans of fruit and vegetables left in the desert along with park literature tossed about.
All in all, between 2,000 and 3,000 golf balls. Plus the other trash.

Apparently, for once, I agree with Jay Mariotti

Michael Jordan's Hall of Fame induction speech has been widely maligned. But, when I was watching it, I felt like Jay Mariotti. And, oh, man, that hurts to admit.

Man catches foul ball; gives to daughter; daughter throws back


There goes her share of the inheritance.