Friday, July 3, 2009

Jesse James sets new hydrogen land speed record

Motorcycle builder and TV daredevil Jesse James is now a world record holder after having driving the fastest speed ever done in a hydrogen powered car.

He went 199 MPH, breaking the previous record of 185 MPH set by BMW in Germany.
Jesse went to El Mirage Dry Lake Bed with an extreme purpose: to break the land speed record of 185 MPH for a hydrogen-fueled vehicle. It's a record that has long been on his mind and it has not been an easy road getting here. Jesse has consulted the help of legendary land speed racer Mike Cook. Mike gave Jesse invaluable advice on the design of the car. He also helped Jesse pick up the nuance of driving the car and was with him in the testing phase. Engine wizard Kurt Urban came from Detroit and auto row to help him develop a superior hydrogen engine: an internal combustion throwback to the days of overpowering American steel. Together they created an emission free vehicle that will dispel any notions of the power of alternative fuels. Jesse prepared for a worst case scenario situation by escaping from a burning fuselage, narrowly avoiding injury and testing his mettle to the limit.

Beer better than water for your post-workout drink

A study by a Spanish university found that drinking beer after a workout is better at rehydrating than drinking water.
Garzon said that the rehydration effection in those who were given beer was "slightly better" than those who were given only water. He also believes that the carbon dioxide in beer helps quench thirst more quickly, and that beer's carbohydrates replace calories lost during physical exertion.
No word on Gatorade or Vitamin Water, though.

Disney animatronic Obama doesn't look much like Obama

In fact, it's kinda scary looking.

New iPhone doubles as a handwarmer

At least that's the spin that I think we might be hearing from Apple Fanboys after this story comes out:
Technology sites and Apple forums have been indundated with comments about the new model overheating and becoming discoloured since it was launched on June 19. Some iPhone users have complained that the device has become too hot to hold to the ear during long calls while others have noticed that the white 32GB model has turned pink after overheating.
Imagine how much it will help in the winter, fanboys will say. And it is just the color-changing model!

Which baseball team uses their money the best

Hint: It isn't the Yankees. Or the Nationals.

But you can check it out here. The L.A. Dodgers have the best record, but the team with the steepest line looks to be either the Tampa Bay Rays or the Florida Marlins.

The steepest red (bad) line? Either the New York Mets, Chicago Cubs or Cleveland Indians.

Record bass reportedly caught in Japan

The bass reportedly weighs 10.12 kilograms or a little less than 22 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 73.5 centimeters (nearly 29 inches). No girth measurements are available at this time.
That's a big fish.

Jon Stewart to Mark Sanford: "God killed Michael Jackson to save your ass!"

Will the Mark Sanford thing ever go away?

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