Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Google may be developing an operating system (updated)

Oh, it's apparently already announced. Carry on...

Internet giant Google may be developing an operating system, according to the New York Times. The Times says that Google is expected to announce it tomorrow.

So what will it look like?
In a direct challenge to Microsoft, Google is expected to announce on Wednesday that it is developing an operating system for a personal computer based on its Chrome browser, according to two people briefed on Google’s plans.

The details of the technology could not be learned, but Google plans to make the announcement on a company blog on Wednesday afternoon, this person said.

Solution to California's problem of minors buying alcohol in self-serve lanes

There's a pretty easy solution to minors buying alcohol in California, as the Los Angeles Times reported is a big problem. There is an easy solution to it.

Here in New Mexico, if you buy alcohol in a self-serve lane at the grocery store, the register beeps and you need a cashier's approval to purchase the alcohol (there is one cashier at the front of every four self-serve lanes).

So what is California's solution?
California already forbids cigarettes, spray paint and some over-the-counter medications to be sold in self-service checkouts to make it tougher for minors to obtain them. The bill, AB 1060, would add beer, wine and spirits to that list, according to its author, Assemblyman Hector De La Torre (D-South Gate).
Doesn't seem as smart.

Lance Armstrong: I thought it would be easier

From VeloNews, a more humble and contrite Lance Armstrong. He currently is in second place in the Tour de France by thousandths of a second (seriously).
“Here’s a confession: I expected it to be easier,” he said. “I expected it (12 months ago). Six months ago, I did not expect it. I realized – oh shit – this is harder than I thought. That’s the truth.”

A humbled Armstrong also took the opportunity to publicly apologize to riders he slighted in an interview published in John Wilcockson’s new Armstrong biography, calling last year’s Tour “a joke.”

“The Tour was a bit of a joke this year,” Armstrong told Wilcockson. “I’ve got nothing against Sastre or Christian Vande Velde. Christian’s a nice guy, but finishing fifth in the Tour de France? Come on.”

On Tuesday, Armstrong said he regretted those comments.

Tony LaRussa drops lawsuit against Twitter

St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony LaRussa has dropped his lawsuit against Twitter.

But they reportedly settled a month ago.

A month ago, LaRussa said:
“The biggest misconception … was that it was about somebody using Twitter to be critical of me,” La Russa told the Post Dispatch. “I have plenty of critics. You can’t sue everybody who is criticizing you. That seemed like the perception that I or we were upset with the criticism. No, it was the improper use of the name.”
The fake Twitter account made fun of his DWI and the DWIs of some of his players.