Wednesday, June 17, 2009

GOP just isn't that good at governing

I try to stay away from a lot of political discussion over here and leave that for my other blog, but sometimes I just have to do it.

From Roll Call:
House Republicans presented a four-page outline of their health care reform plan Wednesday but said they didn't know yet how much it would cost, how they would pay for it and how many of the nearly 50 million Americans without insurance would be covered by it.
It reminds of their budget without numbers:
There certainly was no hard budgetary data in the attractively designed 18-page packet that the House GOP handed out today, its blue cover emblazoned with an ambitious title: "The Republican Road to Recovery." When Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was asked what his goal for deficit reduction would be -- President Obama aims to halve the nation's spending imbalance within five years -- Boehner responded simply: "To do better [than Obama]."
Or then-presidential candidate John McCain's pledge to balance the budget by winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:
Here's what McCain spokesperson Brian Rogers sent me:
It's pretty straightforward, as we win, costs will go down with a smaller footprint over time, and those savings will go to deficit reduction. It's really the logical extension of Senator McCain's position as articulated in the 2013 speech. Achieving success in Iraq would obviously lead to reduced expenditures on the effort.
Empty rhetoric mixed with hoping that no one is paying attention and, if anyone is, they are incredibly dumb or so blindly partisan that they will go along with anything that the Republican Party puts out as a 'plan.'

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