Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bing has a ways to go before slaying Google

The chart below is the amount of blog posts that compare the new Microsoft search engine Bing to Google.

There are a couple of caveats, however -- Google has been around for seemingly forever now, at least in internet time. It is by far the largest search engine in the world, and anything that Google does creates buzz in the technology blogosphere. Also, any post that references Bing will invariably also mention Google (as I did in this post).

People are also trying to figure out what Google Wave will be, what it means for the internet and whether it is just another example of Google slowly becoming Skynet.

Also, ultimately, the only number that will matter is whether or not people use Bing. All I can say is that it is at least better than that epic trainwreck that was Cuil.

Keyword popularity across the Blogosphere
This chart illustrates how many times blog posts across the Blogosphere contained the following keywords.

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