Monday, June 22, 2009

You think you have a big TV for your video games?

My friend has a 65-inch TV. It's very fun to play video games on or watch a baseball game -- mainly because it's huge.

But it has nothing on the Cowboy Stadium screen that is 72 feet by 160 feet. And here's a video (via Engadget) of someone playing Gears of War on the massive screen.

The angle seems a bit tough, though.


  1. That is way amazing; I almost imagine you'd have to be in the blimp for it to be at the right angle to play.

    Oh, and the game is totally Halo, not Gears of War. Unsure which Halo, though.

  2. It would be hard to get the blimp in the partial-dome.

    And I thought it was Gears of War from this picture:

  3. The logo is gears, but the weaponry is Halo. The guy is using the assault rifle, and at one point dual wields the magnum. The gallery also has stills from Halo and a Call of Duty game.
