Thursday, July 2, 2009

Murdoch: Facebook is just a directory

I'm not completely convinced that Rupert Murdoch completely gets these whole "internet" and "social networking" things. Murdoch, of course, owns MySpace through his company News Corp.

And even as MySpace loses market share to Facebook, Murdoch doesn't quite get it, calling Facebook just a directory.

Speaking about the recent shakeups at MySpace:
I mean, it will be a very different social site to, say, Facebook.

Facebook is more of a directory. People go looking for their relatives or their friends, who they are going to meet. With MySpace, people go there to find common interests, share music, that sort of thing.
I disagree -- both sites are places where people go to connect with people they already know, and Facebook's design and lack of annoying flashing ads has made it much more popular over recent months.

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